The drawn-out month of January is behind us and it is time to celebrate all of the things we love about our history. Now, we represent our heritage 365 days a year in our household but Black History Month is always a time to celebrate our history and achievements. Literacy is a huge component in our home and starting Laiken’s library was first on my to-do list while we awaited her arrival. We prioritized choosing books that showcased diversity and characters that mirrored our family. So many minority children grow up and rarely see their own beautiful features or similarities within the pages of their favorite stories. We want Laiken to see herself represented as the ballerina, scientist, princess, doctor or super hero that she is reading about!
She is still super young and we often don’t get to finish the longer books because she is constantly on the move! Just always remember that children are sponges and every little bit counts, even if it’s only three pages! I wanted to share some of the books we have started out with and I hope that you will share some of your favorites with me!

For all of the books below, if you scroll over the title of the book, next to the number, and click, the link will take you directly to the Amazon Prime link to shop.
- Hair Love
- The ABCs of Black History
- Peekaboo Morning
- Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters
- Stacey’s Extraordinary Words
- I Am Enough
- Curls
- Black is a Rainbow Color
- Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History
- Dancing in the Wings
- Sulwe
- Remember to Dream, Ebere
- Little Legends: Exceptional Men in Black History
- Skin Like Mine